Staying Proactive, Placing Your Own Goalpost

2 min readFeb 4, 2021

Hello All,

Thomas typing here, and it’s a pleasure to be back with this update.

Although it has been quite cold here in Philly I have been staying warm both literally and figuratively. Please do all you can to take care of yourselves.

Keeping myself occupied with ME.mory business and financial tasks has remained a current focus for me. There are many steps involved which I have never taken before, seeing how the business behind ME.mory is my first company.

Yet these opportunities exist for us to develop and grow ME.mory because others did not take them or were unable to make adequate use of them.

What do I mean? Well, I doubt that we were the first to come up with a concept of a digital memory. So why did it not exist in the way we envisioned it?

Other individuals may have entertained the idea briefly before considering the amount of effort and resources involved in developing such an aid. Or of what it may take to promote their efforts. Once in uncharted waters they may have felt safer if staying on shore.

From my personal experiences in the brain injury and rehabilitation world, the approaches taken with patients were stale at best and lackadaisical at worst. New approaches were not being sought out.

It was a reactive space, one addressing people’s stated needs but no more than that, one of “What can we do given your new limitation?”

It was a space of finding the nearest recognizable goalpost and attempting to reach that one, rather than of imagining how far people could go when the goalposts have yet to be put down.

I and others now need a different approach, one of “Let’s attempt something new and see if it works.”

ME.mory means that we can get in these markets early to convince groups to change, but we must convince for change to occur. Many institutions adjust the people to live with their conditions rather than surpass their limitations.

It takes those willing to put in the effort to attempt new approaches, those willing to alter the status quo, to put the goalposts out there for themselves and others to reach.

Where have you placed your goalpost lately? Let me know in the comments.

Where is your goalpost?

Take care. Enjoy the Super Bowl and/or the commercials.

