When Life Gets in the Way

3 min readMay 17, 2021

Hello Everyone,

It’s Thomas here. How has life been?

I often come to these posts with a sense of what I want to write, but then it’s altered and explored further when I begin to type. It’s vague, initially. Yet then it takes shape.

That approach means these entries can take time to ponder and then create. Which means I want to carve out the time to draft and edit them while writing. As evidenced by the last entry being closer to fifty days ago (wow), it has lately been difficult to prioritize a post. Even now I am choosing to write this instead of something else, which I will be getting to soon after.

It could just be a matter of choosing which way to go after knowing where you have been already.

This feeling of “life getting in the way”, when life is the way (you know, there’s no other way), is one part of what I envision ME.mory addressing.

How can I, the average ME.mory user, easily keep track of my life when I am required to move from one thing to the next? I am clearly able to carve out small moments of calm and steadiness within my day. After all, I’m reading this post.

Save about your life so that you do not need to keep it in mind while you continue your day. Move freely to whatever else concerns you, by knowing where you have been already. Part of our interest in ME.mory is to benefit the user by removing the user’s obligation to remember. I know that I have cleared my mind by externalizing my memories. I have seen from our users that you have, too.

Moving on, ME.mory has proceeded well on the business side:

  1. We continue to apply to funding opportunities. Even if we are not awarded funds, the feedback we receive and connections made can often be as valuable as they lead into other possibilities. Just like a marathon metaphor may be too tired to use here, pacing ourselves so that we do not burn ourselves out in applications is essential for guaranteeing our ongoing success and motivation.
  2. We are speaking with new people within the realms of accessibility and business development. There is a feeling of momentum, perhaps in part reinforced by the reawakening of many communities as coronavirus feels as if it belongs more in our past than in our present or future.

Personally, life has been great:

  1. I am vaccinated fully and encourage you to be so if you have not yet. To actually meet with friends in-person after so long and attend live events, what a thrilling feeling.
  2. I finally received LASIK, and I do not miss my glasses as much as I thought I might.
  3. Part of my injury had been giving up my driver’s license for medical reasons, yet I have been cleared for driving with a coach. As such, I have been on the road again with a driving coach because it had been over a decade since I drove last. We have already had multiple sessions across all types of roads. While I felt nervous to start, that feeling has since receded and I feel safe. I may well have my driver’s license again soon. Wow, that again. :)

So, although I see nothing specific as relates to ME.mory on my calendar at this moment I know that will change. Tasks are popping up and the momentum remains as of today.

Stay happily busy until next time!

